Sonntag, 8. Februar 2015

in english please!

So, I got some requests for an english post from my english speaking (oakie) friends. I will keep the blog in German for now but here is a little introduction in englich so you guys know what´s going on.

Ok, here we go ya´ll: I am going to hike all through Germany this year. I will start this summer in Flensburg, the most northern city at the border to Denmark, and finish in the very southern city of Konstanz at the border to Switzland. The whole trip will take me about two month for 2000 kilometers (1250 miles). Yes, that´s all it takes to through hike my country and would even be less if I would walk in a straight line!

But how do I know which way to walk? No, I am not using a compass and a map! But there is actually a long distance hiking way called the "Europäischer Fernwanderweg E1" ("European long distance hikingway E1" or just the "E1"), which is marked all the way so I just have to follow the signs. The E1 actually starts in Norway and ends 4400 miles later in Italy. But for now I just want to walk the german part.
Most of the times I will sleep in a tent in the woods (hence my blog name "I crash in a bush") or sometimes on a campground or, if things get nasty, at a hotel/B&B/hostel every once in a while.
And what´s next? Well, if things work out a friend and I want to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail (AT) in the US next year. That one goes from Georgia to Maine, 2200 miles, six month (btw since it starts in Geogia: watch out Clint! I am coming!). The sky is the limit, right!!? If you want to learn more about the AT just check youtube. There a tons of cool videos out there and maybe one of you even falls in love with the trail like I did and wants to join us?!
Ok, I guess that´s all for now. Feel free to comment if you have any questions or if you want to tell me how badass I am for doing this.

Take care ya´ll!!